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Stay Hydrated


The average person can last around 3 days without water, however the negative effects of dehydration start to set in fairly early. Did you know that in quite a few circumstances of people getting lost in desert areas their remains are found with water still in their water bottles?

Although rationing your water seems like the best idea it is the opposite as once you start to get dehydrated your thermoregulatory system, motor skills and cognitive function deteriorate at a rapid rate increasing the likelihood of poor judgement resulting in injury or putting yourself in a worse situation.

The average 70kg human is comprised of approximately 42L of water.

Your body loses around 800ml of that water per day just by breathing. As Les Stroud (Survivorman) always says "if you sweat, you die" meaning in a survival situation sometimes the best thing you can do is do nothing, sit in the shade and conserve your body fluids

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