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The importance of keeping a Positive Mental Attitude (PMA)


So the question was asked about keeping a positive attitude in a survival situation.. I was thinking on it for most of the night and I came up with a few things it's a bit of a read but definitely interesting to see what your brain is doing to your body in a survival situation.

Did you know that the greatest tool in any survival situation is your brain, maintaining a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) is critical in any emergency as a negative attitude will kill you quicker than exposure or starvation.

Your subconscious brain has its own survival kit, it collects and stores survival information to be called up on when needed even without you knowing that you have learned those specific skills. Not only that but when faced with a survival situation your entire brain chemistry changes as your hypothalamus gives your body a massive continued injection of cortisol and adrenaline and suspends non essential functions like growth, it slows down digestion, your pupils dilate improving vision and increasing frame rate, the want center of your brain gets activated so you can stomach things that you wouldn't be able to normally.

Now as handy as this sounds it does have a drawback. over exposure to cortisol and adrenaline has its downfall, it can and will leave you feeling exhausted and drained and that is where the PMA comes in as it's many peoples downfall to fall into the "pit of disparity" or a state of hopelessness and in result the will to live reduces.

Keeping a PMA helps combat this hormone fatigue and keeps you alive. Ways to keep the PMA could be as simple as small word games, mindfulness techniques i.e. controlled breathing or anything that works for you to regain clarity. For me it's counting the small wins or things that give me instant gratification.

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